ChiZz UnlmtD

just another episode of my life. akosiivan: now and then.


last day in chef ReCh's clasS! it was soOO much fun..we did a lot of around..taking's one...

from the left...richard,katie,sean,ulyses.

and here's me with them...
and then me and my friend sean...>>>this guy

made a spider man figure out of salt dough

it was fun..i made the form and he painted it...anyways we had this class was nice...look for me and my crazy shiny eye and rabbit teeth!

haha thats all folks..good times in garde manger class..otherwise known as the buffet hor's d ouvre's/ appetizer class...
i feel good! ate chinese food! i got paid dood! i'm so in a good mood!




i never knew how crazy people get once their drunk..maybe its because i was drunk at the same time...but last night..i figured i wouldnt drink much since i've learned my lesson from 2 weeks ago...
at first, everything was fine...a couple shots of vodka or jack daniels here and there. a couple of mixers such as screwdrivers and coke/whiskey. then more shots of whatever..then ...dun dun dun..the 8oz "PIRATE" shot.. crazyness i tell ya..i only had prolly 2oz of liquor in my drink the whole night.... but everyone else went all out..hMmmM..
well as we know it...the truth comes out once yer drunk/not yerself... some ppl were talkin..some ppl we're mad at me in a way.. and one of them..tried to pick a fight with me...err..actually he tried to push me around...and what did i do?..i acted as passive as i can since i dont wna start anythin with someone who's uncapable of controlling i know i'm a wuss!..haha fuck yeah...i dont fight..i talk things over..yet sometimes i my way of walkin away without a scratch yehhknow..well..i've learned to play it safe so i did.
should i talk this over?...this type of things only comes out when this person whom i am referring to is what now..i should hmmm...not CAre at all....period .


"kAtiE is one Cool lady Person/friend/IM BUDDY!!"
Yay! i got hired in hawaii! after talkin to the exec chef of Roy's Kahana Bar & Grill in MauI HAWAII!!! they told me i'm hired..i start on july! woOohoOo! i called my cuzzo he said..YAY..and then i IM'ed my friend KATIE and she was like "ScAnDaLoUs1267: sweeeeeeet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" haha..she's soOo cool..katie..=D zing! anyways haha yay! i'm hired..its finally more hassle..and now i rest my case..i'm soOO gna kick ass in hawaii!


damn its hot~! like whoa..71 fucken degrees! i'm wearin a tank top..haha HOT!..the weather...haha..yes...hmm..all i did today was...chill in my boring..drown in music all night work tomorow..last week in Garde mangEr...advance baking and pastry is next...good times...i'm bored still..and hungry..actually i'm not..but i am..haha i'm goin for a walk...later..
i'm indicisive!...


so...i have 10 weeks left in school...i'm tryin to get my externship in hawaii done! yay i cant wait! i hope..i wish..haha....anyways i'm havin a good time in alot of hor's d ouvre's for thursdays and friday's buffet....its fun....i made some lobster rangoon topped with a cherry/figs chutney.(a mixture of lobster, cream cheese, peppers, and spices, in a wonton deep fried to golden brown topped with a reduction of dried fruits, vinegar, and simple syrup) ahhh creation..described by a true i also cooked some other stuff..i have pictures..ask me for it unless you HATE talkin to me know who you are! yourself!!!!


so..apparently, i was drunk off my ass yesterday..actually i was beyond drunk..i died! haha after drinkin a whole Fifth bottle of Skyy Vanilla Vodka! that shit tasted like water at first so i chugged that damn thing and i was like YAY i WOn!!!! but then...dun dun dun!! i looked hella sick and i kinda forget everything beyond that and my friend katie started drinkin around 3pm and i finished it all by 4pm and forgot everything from 5pm till the time i woke up which was around friend sean took pictures...haha it was by the tub with my puke was disgusting but good thing i wasnt alive during the time...i swear..i totally blacked out and i dont remember shit...good thing my friends are such troopers..they helped me out and now ...the rebirth.. the new ivan..i'm alive..hahaha..i worked this that was fun.. i drank alot of advil...pill after pill..and then i was good...haha this is the last of the vodka drinking sessions..i'm uber hungry...find me food..but not subway..haha i threw all those up give me a steak..! now!..i owe everyone who helped me yesterday with a dinner or something...maybe pizza..haha if yer reading this then yeh just keep buggin me about it so i wont forget!
here's my trophy


sunday morning, i woke up earlier than the usual, it feels weird.
I've been sober for the past 2 weeks and i feel like staying that way, peer pressure sucks!
i've been spending too has to end..
i hate my roomate!!!
i wish i get hired in hawaii
11 weeks left and i'm done with this culinary school, goodbye san francisco..forever?!?
i wonder what lies ahead?


a poem
do you really want to know?
the life, the tragedy, the madness, the laughter, the nonsence, the rupture?
the way i see it?
the way my world goes
how i hate this?
how i hate that!
it all points to one direction
here where it matters the most
the brain, the mind, the consience
it leads to my personality
but who am i?
help me! find me! find me! hate me! love me! feed me! i'm hungRy!
jack in the box!


back in frisco AgAin! i cant believe that i did miss the peeps up here..the crazy drink up nights, the crazy pEoPle'ses and the freakin san francisco weather! ..home sweet home ?!?HAHA No i dont know.. anyways spring break was okEY .... i chilled with my friends most of the time and stayed up and slept most of the day.. oh yeah i cooked alot too and uhmm played POOL or VidEE gaEmes! and i also tried to force my friends to come over but they still wouldnt...busy i guess..but OHhHweLL...and thats how i wasted my break!!!


six flags cancelled.. today is easter sunday. i am going to cook some paella..want some? come over..bye


i'm down here in san diego again..for spring break.. josh has a pool table..woot! i'm learnin to play it..he's better! damnIt! meetin the friends tomorow to uhmm..chill and play pool! haha yes six flags on saturday..sounds like fun..who wants to come? call..gahh..gtg my voice died today..shit!