ChiZz UnlmtD

just another episode of my life. akosiivan: now and then.


so..i think once i get like 3 thousand something visitors at one point. it just feels like it just me checking out my own website.


so its time for somethin new. its been foroever but hey its like "wow. what should i write now." it doesnt make sense but i'm tryn to wriTe as UNDRUNKLEBLEY is i can now. its liz's 22nd birthayd and i just feel so much like me. i'm happy that she's there for me and all. but im' like crap...i mwna go home...and i bet like she wants to go home too.. i love her and i want her to do what she wants but right now..i 'm workin at freakin hwaii. i ts crap. i wna take her to san diego where everything is like wow. but then agian...its differen t..she's from nor cal..where i'm alien?...maybe.. but then i wna feel like i' home...its been a while..and its like whoa..realiety chedck i'm freakin from san diego and i'm livin like i'm a hawaiian crap life which is like drink.......get drunk..and drink some more..and then sleep and eat and work and what not. anyways i jsut want it t obe the smae as before.....its tired of it..but i know its crap..hopefully by tnext year i'll be back in ffrisco or diego..and i just want it to feel like how it was...fuNNNNNN..i love you all in san dieogo....i just wish i'm there....gettring drunkK is carappp!~P!P!P!PP!P! i wnannnaa go home....bye.