ChiZz UnlmtD

just another episode of my life. akosiivan: now and then.


i messed up..fuck..i hate me for being me once again..why do i have to deal with such things ...fuck..i hate ivan~! i am soooooo stupid...omg..i'm done with this blog shit..fuck...fuckk..i hate me...fuck i'm me now...


oOoHhHh!!! aaaAahHhHh!!! WEeeEeeE!!! WAaAaAAhHh!!! i love food!!! yumMmMm!!! i want some fajitas!!! drool*!!! i'm havin a presentation tomorrow! i'm gna wear my VIRTUAL ENTERPRISE uniform! remember that?!? anyways its hot! i'm goin to the ice box! bye


oh yeh i met this of katie's friend and he was like ...."so yer one of them coheed and cambria/thrice hardcore kids!" and i was good!.. i dont even know friend didnt even know i look like a coheed/thrice fan?..weird? and then he started callin me a "mTV kid!" and i was like whatevah man..and then i took shots of JIM BEAM bourbon whiskey..haha total killer i'm dead..later!
back in frisxo! yeyahHh i'm drunk BiatCh! haha jk jk jk or am i jk-ing?!? haha... you know like how when yer in the "i'm so out of it" phasE!?! well i am! hmMM..i'm like in the verge of uhmm..uhmm..breakdown! lol i feel warm..whiskey fo sheezy! anyways school is almost over! i cant wait....yeyahh like that yeyahh... hAwaii! yer neXt! i'm gna kick yo aSs!