ChiZz UnlmtD

just another episode of my life. akosiivan: now and then.



im so sleepy yet i'm not.

this is my war. boredome vs lazyness, money vs happiness, sleep vs ivan. my apartment as the fox hole. the heat as the ammo's shooting everywhere. the door as barbed wires stopping me and my uncontrolled tendencies to have fun, spend, watch the waves/water/fish/nature?!?, so many things to do yet lazyness overwhelms. life's a beach! and its true..lets say the waves are the ideas that keeps on washing up in my head, and the sand is where the ideas ends. and else can i compare life with the beach. well.. the beach is warm.. being alive is being warm. ohHhright..i made a poinT! but then what about money..ohh.. the seashells can be money. and the sea spends the seashells by washing them up the shore for people to take in exchange of uhm memories?!? maybe?!? . thought ended.

new line. and so i had no work today and yesterday. weee! my right ankle was hurting like no other..whats a cure for it?!?! nothinG..but QUIT BITCHING...or...QUIT BEING A PUSSY (sez my boss, co-workers, myself)...haha it still hurts but hmm..its just an ankle. anyways yesterday, me and liz went out to shop and stuff. it was fun. we went to lotsa stores. *mostly hers* but then there were some for me. i dont shop and everyone knows it. i think she was getting irritated with me coz i'm such a butthole..haha..yes i was all whinning...(secretly) (within myself) but then haha she caught me and uhm she got me good. anyways..clothes are expensive. i love..errr..HATE money...i wna spend it, but then err, i need it for later use. i think i'm gonna be broke by the time im 25 unless i act now and save. well i'm trying except that. . . I WANT everything. haH! and so. after WINDOW shopping for a lil bit, we went to the beach and walked under the sunset. there's so many people taking pictures, feeling all photographic and shit. i was like..haha what a bunch of dorrrKsesesss!!!! anyways..i'm off to eat.


so hmm..

okey brahdah i'm back...

YeZ mahn i'm back at this bloggah fuckah! haha spoken like a local hawaiian..haha blahH its crap..i swear, i'm starting to talk like one of my co-worker. he's hawaiian yah see and he talks like that brahdahh, he's cool, he goes by the name Naps. haha that was just the intro. now for the life...(space...) seems like blogg'ing isnt my thang no morrre but what the hell i'm bored. its 2:32 am hawaii time/ 5:32 am Cali time. there's nothing to do. no one to talk to. liz is sleeping. i'm tired yet fully awake with my senses at its peak awareness. here's the internet for me to enjoy yet there's nothing for me to see..well, nothing that interests me at this point. so i'm writing and not drawing any conclusion with what the fuck i'm writing. i think the hawaiian spirit is keeping me awake coz i've entered the island without hesitation, i'm not sure. maybe it bcoz of the capuccino i drank at work. iced..and extra CAFFEEEIIINE. oh yeah.. work is fun. i havent really explained anything about it so i'm here to write...yay! something to write about...(space...) yeah i was at work today. it was nice...(moving on.)...(space...)
....just give me the light and pass the bowl....(space...) haha..i heard that somewhere...i forget...(space...)
....and so...(too beeeee continewed)



ooOoOoo..hawai'i..maui..lahaina..roy's restaurant..the life..

i love it all! so far..that is... i've been here for about uhmm...4 weeks now and yay i'm back on the blog once again...i had internet access for quite some time now but then i just couldnt think of things to write. but hmm..haha im back yay! now that i'm in think about it...people would consider this paradise as a place for tourists, but residing on it is actually not a bad thing. i'm actually "considering" staying here for a while but then again, i dont know. things are actually KINDA sorTa expensive, but its pretty much the same as living in a city..but cleaner, peaceful, nicer, and the atmosphere is just so uhm..let me think..."SHWEEEET!"...

the locals are so uhmm..local..haha yes it makes sense doesnt it.. local people does what they're good at..which are uhmm..local stuff such as "being nice to tourists", "being helpful to newbies", "being such a good tour guide". well most of my co-workers are locals but the majority of them were from the main land but they lived here for quite some time now. two of them were graduates from CCA and i was the newest addition to the group. it was pretty weird how work was a lot more laid back than school. my trainer's advice was to forget what i've learned and start something new. blah blah blah.. i've had 3 chefs teaching me how to work the starch and veggie line and all of them have their own unique style in working. i firgured i'd work my own way coz none of them taught me shit.

oh btw. i've given up getting drunk. i dont know why...but haha i'm broke. so no liquors nor beer. well..if i had money, i wouldnt buy those since i'm still but yeh i figured that its the right thing to do since my motive here is to work and make money money make money money money.. lol i wish..

well then the time has come for me to uhmm..get ready for work..i'll write some more when i can. thanks for reading..enjoy the chizz