ChiZz UnlmtD

just another episode of my life. akosiivan: now and then.


saturday 1:00am

i can't sleep coz i slept earlier on and so its time to blog. Its friday, well it was friday and yeh i was like hella tired, so when i got home i slept from 3 till 6 i think and then i played gran turismo with the steering wheel..i was like wow i can drive now (virtually) and yeh i'm pretty good yehnnoe..vroooom vrooooooooooom....

oh yeh guess what?????_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (pause and guess)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I have a prom date! woohoo!!. A friend said yes and yeh i was like "sweet" and then yeh she's in my "random people/friend to ask out for prom" list and she's a good friend and so yAy i'm worry free...Maiko was all giggling and yeh she's funny, she had to watch the whole scene and i was all slick like "hey _ _ _ wanna go to prom with me", and the whole asking out process was done in like 2 seconds. Its funny how a lot of people asked me if i was asking her out in the first place (like alex, maiko, joe, and ryan) i was like huh? never crossed my mind to ask her out but yeh what the heck, so i did and now we should talk about the prom thing. In your opinion, do you think it would be better and it would cost less if we go to the prom as a group???..well mishele and i wer conversing about it and yeh she showed me a website ( they have a list of the types of limo's and their price for rent. i think it would be a good idea to rent one of them limo's and then go to prom, dinner, and after prom as a big group. So any opinions?? post it on the "tag this" section of this blog.

and so this is all for today, i'll keep u posted for more information about prom and whoa it took me 37 minutes to think and type all this??? thats friggin krayzie, i'm gonna sleep now ...later amigos and amigas....booyakAH!

-ivan =9

the mood is great!

currently listenin to: coheed and cambria "elf power"


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