ChiZz UnlmtD

just another episode of my life. akosiivan: now and then.


hi blogamaniacs

today was really awesome..i gots to hang out with my coolest frizzends...allan allen maiko justin yau ryan and sandy and (*ahem) Alex Chizzichang<<< coolest brahh alive.... we watched the movie anger management and that guy that jack nicolson playd is the type of guy who would get under your nerves, you know ..the annoying sunnavabeeech type, and yeh everytime he does something i was like "are you serious" (copyrighted by theresa andres)...and yeh the movie was pretty good..after the movie, we went to uhmm rubio's and yeh we got some food, but i preferred jamba delight....and so yeh ryan and sandy showed up, i guess ryan felt left out coz yeh kno we forget to call him and say "movies?"..and yeh we went to maiko's and yeh all of us went in maiko's room and yeh i was like "whoa crowded, are you serious(quote from thoughts)" and then yeh we watched some tv, flipped through some of maiko's anime sketches books and then yeh we left, and uhmm blockbuster,, i rented the movie ONE HOUR PHOTO and we watchd it at my pad and then yeh freaky movie..about stalking...and pictures and yeh guy obsessed like wizzzzo..and then yeh after that, they (friends) left and then i went online to read email and then i got the weirdest email about someone who saw my public profile and emailed me saying that ".look Ive been wanting to apologize to you for a very long
time.....blah blah blah....." and yeh he or she says that we had oral sex...and i'm like "are you serious(copyrighted by theresa andres)"and then i replied with "sorry wrong guy (x 100)" and so yeh that was my day...pretty exciting eyyyy...haha...thats all for now..later gangstars gots to go rollout on da bed...ya kno..ta normal people omg its 1:24am...are you serious....thats all fizzolks...shhhmurrdahhh...pizzoutrozzzz

-ivan =9


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