ChiZz UnlmtD

just another episode of my life. akosiivan: now and then.


ohh yeh..hi cathy blue.."i like the way you RAPE me right thurrr!!!" lol...inside joke (she rapes with her that you know then watch out..HA! (>_<)... anyways i got my tux was nice..i gots a light beige vest and neck tie and i look suave in it =D... and yeh i saved alot thanks to Jen Thi's uncle in DREAMS 2000...a shop for tuxs and dresses in clairemont's convoy road (free advertisement for your uncle JEN!!!..thank me for it =P)....and yeh thanks for taking me there too with raff and justice..ahh..good times..thanks for the mexican food justice..yer the greatest dude!@....and so yeh moving on...

today i went to joe's house and he gots this cool new digicam...and then we went to justin's house and played NBA street Vol. 2..woopphhaaaa...joe is just too good but hey we kicked butt one time..only once but yeh YEHEY...IN YOUR FACE JOE!!!!!!!!!!..oh yeh i saw this one picture and i was like "whoa this looks like sandy" and then i took a picture of it and showed it to her later on and she was like "hahahaha" and then that was that..anyways back to my story..after playing games we went to allan's house to scan some virtual enterprise stuff..and i saw his door and it didnt have a doorknob and joe was like "let me take a picture of you through the hole" and i was like "OK"..and then yeh check my chizz pix for the looks fake but its real..its a real door hole!!!!!!..and then yeh that was it..thanks for the help in Virtual Enterprise ..JOE AND ALLAN..yer the greatest of all greats ever!!!!!!...

well then thats about it i'm out for now but there's more to come..later homees and homgurrrs...have fun in prom!!!!!!!!!!!....

-ivan =D

the mood is awesomely fantabuloso...

currently listenin to: staind - "REALITY"


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