ChiZz UnlmtD

just another episode of my life. akosiivan: now and then.


done being a teen

as of tomorrow, i will be losing my TEENity. embracing the ADULT-hood should be an easy task but all i can think of is, "am i ready?" well, as far as i know, almost everyone in the twenty's are such a total goof-balls. only a few are serious at their age and the rest are just living the life like they used to. i figured that i would still be me. at the same time, i would probably change in ways such as becoming a lot more matured than what i am now. well, being immature is what i'm good at so i wouldnt really dissipate that from my personality. hmmm, enough about my retardness, lets talk about JELLO-shots!!!!...its vodka + jello mix + sugar, mix them together and boil it with some water....pour on a lil dixie ounce or so..or however much you'd like in a shot..and then let it settle and harden...chill in the fridge...when hard..take shots..with spoons.haha..its soo good that you wont realize that yer so fucked up by the end of the day after eating 20 cups of jello...haha! yes i had those yesterday at my friend's house! and wow i drank 7 bottles of beer! and i dont even like beer! its gross haha..weirdness. well then i'm done thinking about being old and yeah have a nice life!


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