ChiZz UnlmtD

just another episode of my life. akosiivan: now and then.


i have a new roomate. his name is jeff, he's from New York, and he has an accent. he moved in this monday 20 minutes right after the dorm manager said "oh yeh you'll be having a roomate in a day or so". anyways he just started school and he's a pretty cool guy..until..dundundunnnn! monday night was party friends decided to get "f*cked up" drinkin and gettin high..well..i was invited..haha..i drank..haha..and uhmm got drunk..haha...well thats not the point of this story..moving on.. i invited jeff.. well jeff told me that he hasnt done any drinkin nor smokin for about 6 weeks..and then when i brought him to the party..he got sooo high and drunk its rediculous..and so he smoke his ass off, with weed that is, so i watch, and he got wasted..and we (the peepol) laugh..he talked so much and he even said himself that he has no idea of what he's talkin about. and oh yeh this guy..he's crazy.. he pops sleeping pills to help him get high..hmm..dangerous stuff..after that party..he's been getting high before class and after class..then sleeping around 5am til whenever and school at 6pm. hmm what a waste of life...crazyness..oh yeh i got drunk or did i?!?..haha yes..thats all..NO DRINKY DRINKY PLEASE!


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