ChiZz UnlmtD

just another episode of my life. akosiivan: now and then.


christmas day! finally'm so uhmm..bleh..nothin new..haha..yesterday around 10:30pm, me and allan drove around to justins house. i saw justin, maiko, justin's family, and his doggy. it was great..his mom was like.."you grew out yer hair!" and i was like yes~! anyways his doggy is so cool..she can move backwards while laying down and scratch her butt by dragging it on the floor..haha funny stuff! and she wont stop licking allan's hand yeh allan's the PEt MAsteR!! anyways after that, we,(along with justin and maiko) went to joe's house and waited there for him then we were invited in. we watched some family guy and i met his people by the way. his brother kept on calling everyone with different names..yeh even though it wasnt funny..we pretended to laugh!. well after that me and allen went home and it was just in time for my cousin's gift oppeninG!@ i watched them and then afterwards we watched a movie called BATTLE ROYALE which was like the craziest movie ever..and uhmm yeh that was that..i slept around 4am and allan slept over too btw...and yeh that's christmas eve fo ya!..MERrrrRy ChirsTmas!


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